Social Media

A term used to describe the current state of the Internet and the place where the consumer’s attention is.

Like an agency, Unlike any agency

Every social media agency believes in marketing because that’s what it does.
We, the best social media agency in India, believe in smart marketing!

Social Paid Ads

Gone are the days when you wish your organic content reaches the busy internet denizens. It is time to welcome the cost-effective social media ads.


Campaigns help in marketing your business with simple selfies and shares. Wonderful? Well, it is. Campaigns are social media activities carried out on any platform aimed..

Social Media Page Management

Digital marketing is a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces- social media marketing, website designing, ad managing, campaigns, are scattered. So your business searches for a good assembler...


Well, the internet and social media are flourishing with innovative social media posts designs and social media marketing strategies. But we need to be unique to catch...

influencer Marketing

Traditional marketing + Modern marketing = Influencer marketing. The term has been a buzzword for a while. This type of marketing strategy involves collaborating ...

Then come over to say Hi, the coffee is on us!

Social Paid Ads

Gone are the days when you wish your organic content reaches the busy internet denizens. It is time to welcome the cost-effective social media ads. Unlike other forms of marketing, social paid ads focus on demographic information of your would-be-loyal-customers to target them on the social media platforms by placing the ad on their feeds. This will help reduce cost in mass advertising and increase your chances of winning new customers by tailored approach. Interestingly, social media posts design play an adventurous Greek Hero here. Now consider the next step. Yay! Approaching a social media company in India.

Tactical and strategic methods must be adopted in social ads because you are investing your greens here. Naturally, a right stone produces the right mineral. You need to be extremely careful in adopting social media ads to convince your audience.You can always contact the brilliant social media marketing agency in India to come up with great ads. [Nay! We are not boasting!] Let us now enter the gigantic country of social media.


Glamour and banner for your brand.


Mark offers you a range of ad formats with features evolving daily. Ads you post on FB reaches a wider audience. However, the structure and content should be unique, capable enough to attract users. B2B or B2C, Facebook is a simple and powerful tool for your paid ads.


Instagram is famous for ‘Drive Awareness.’ Your ads when modified into amazing visual content, attract millions of users. If your business goal is to create awareness and increase web traffic, you can close your eyes and click on the red camera icon.


Twitter also offers you a variety of advertising options but choosing the right one is essential. The platform is famous for ‘Product Launch.’ Similar to Instagram, Twitter allows you to enlighten people with your brand’s mission and vision statement.

Linked In

Linked In has a narrow audience. All linked in busy bees constantly investigate the motivation, job offers, skills to be improved. So you need a magnifying glass like that of Sherlock Holmes. We shall leave his coat and hat to your discretion. The magnifying glass should be able to see through the complex mentalities of Linked In users. Contents relating to skills, leadership, and inspiration are likely to get more clicks and of course likes too. But you know what? Only we possess the powerful magnifying glass because we are the best social media agency in India.


You can speak on Pinterest only using pictures. So this is identified as the best platform to drive immediate sales of your goods/services. These platforms require unique social media posts design and adaptive techniques to survive the competition in the Internet.

How are social paid ads effective?

Look closer. Social media ads are virtual billboards, not at one place, but erected on millions of mobile phones and PCs.

  • a. Low cost advertisements
  • b. Targeting the right audience
  • c. Two way relationship
  • d. Studying user behavior
  • e. Ensuring brand loyalty
  • f. Opportunities to drive sales
  • g. Build connections

Are the listed benefits not so glamorous for you? Then a social media company in India should step in your four chambered heart to know what you feel. Mmm, well, we are ready for that too!
Many social media offer Pay-Per-Click facility. This means that you are bound to pay only when the user clicks on your ad. Cool! Ads you place on top social media platforms are free from website based ad-blockers. Cooler! The ads can be made personalized to suit your audience thereby building loyalty. Coolest!

Have you ever found unskippable ads on Youtube irritating? This is because viewers are exhausted with the same old food trucks delivering food. So we need to present content in different forms that are appealing to the viewers. This should result in users forgetting to skip the ad. That’s exactly what we do. A website designing company in India is also the most sought after social media marketing company in India. A design agency has a set of job responsibilities and managing social media paid ads is the numero uno.
Drafting brief and genuinely informative content on the ads is very significant. There are high chances that when the users find the information useful, they immediately click on the banner and want to know more. So this will increase your business’s website traffic. And the performance on the website will define your conversion rates. Again the social media company in India which is the best website designing company in India, can step in and help you.


Campaigns help in marketing your business with simple selfies and shares. Wonderful? Well, it is. Campaigns are social media activities carried out on any platform aimed at achieving a business goal. The goals can be anything- getting product feedback, promoting sales, or marketing the brand but not building skyscrapers on Mars. We help you with building innovative campaigns for your business on social media platforms of your choice.
Inky Pinky Ponky, Facebook or Twitter, which is your key?

Campaigns take different forms. Organizing slogan contests, conducting polls, persuading viewers to ask a question, increasing customer participation in business designs, offering discounts, and much more! If we say much more, we have quite a few secrets. Because we are the amazing social media marketing company in India!


Even hashtag loves your brand

Campaigns are okay? What next?

After storming you with innovative campaigns that can make #your_business_campaign rank Number one on the social media platform, we provide a detailed analysis of the campaign. It is not for answering the simple question- Was my campaign successful? We present before you a broader picture of the reach of the campaign including how many views, quality of response, number of site actions, etc.

Again, this does not put a period to the role of a Media agency. Reaching more audience, finding new spaces, improving the quality and quantity of the campaigns, drafting analysis reports, always drop a comma.

How do you benefit from campaigns?

A campaign is a powerful marketing strategy. We, the amazing social media design company, elevate the power to the next level. Campaigns are great spaces for advertising your brand. They not only take the name of your business to lengths but also carry your worth to heights. When campaigns are associated with special social causes, particularly when dealing with uprooting stereotypes, you get the benefit of targeting a specific audience, thereby driving sales. It is not compulsory that you take all these into your head, because we are here! Design agency deals with your digital marketing, social media, and also your business health*

Improvement in search engine rankings, more conversions, building brand loyalty, and above all, customer satisfaction are some of the fruits in the benefits-basket. So, team up with the best media agency in India to reap all the benefits!

Social Media Page Management
Sub Heading Goes Here

Digital marketing is a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces- social media marketing, website designing, ad managing, campaigns, are scattered. So your business searches for a good assembler. And here you go, standing before you, a tall social media marketing agency in India. Ping! There is a notification from a Twitter user – user101 commented: xxxxx in your post. Please wait, you don’t have to run to Twitter skipping your Board meeting, just to find what the user commented. We, the social media marketing agency, will undertake the activity for you.

Social media page management deals with identifying and processing online interactions with users on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Wonder why you need to do that? Why do social media design company plans and designs social media posts?

Managing social media pages is crucial for any business that spreads its fire online. People spend plenty of time on social platforms and every day, social media platforms find a surge in the number of accounts. 1 crore, 10 crores, 100 crores and uff…. Infinity level reached. Gear up to find a place in ever growing social media.

Social media is a key to engage with an audience and promote your business in a modern way. Social media marketing does not follow the traditional rules of advertising in a newspaper or television. It is freely suspended in the creative sky so that your business can attract users from various geographical locations and diverse backgrounds. Social media also urges you to update content regularly thereby building brand loyalty! Disclaimer: the building blocks are not available in a nearby shop. Try feeding Google with a ‘social media marketing agency near me.’ You will get some brilliant follow ups. Yay! You found us brilliant in one click! Amazing!

Different social media are actually different opportunities for you to find customers and achieve sales. But it will turn good-for-nothing when there is no proper planning and execution. Your potential customers will log out without even pressing the like button. To avoid that, a social media agency in India, like us, will generate plausible solutions that too instantly, may be two minutes.


Tweets and selfies speaking your brand

  • a. Categorizing content into various types and sub types
  • b.Curating innovative and exciting content
  • c.Keeping in mind the customer’s needs
  • d.Studying user behavior
  • e.Analyzing nature of social media platforms
  • f.Customized delivery
  • g.Methods of engaging audience

Are in our fingertips. Want to have
a look?

Besides the listed functions, we also work on minimizing costs and maximizing reach. Users tend to get bored with repetitive monotonous content. Here is where social media posts design sets an alarm. A social media design company gives only the best of best in posts. Attracting an audience on social media is an art. We, the best social media agency in India, are Picasos in it.

When your business is ready for a global reach, your attendance must be marked in the registers of all social media platforms. Managing pages includes posting content regularly, following the contemporary world, and analyzing the page performance. Do you know? Innovation speaks louder than words. Incorporating the right innovation at the right time at the right platform is the Mantra!

We bake posts, garnish every word, and then present them in the showcase. We can identify who saw the posts, how many reacted, what content is appealing to customers, which post drives traffic to your business site, and more. The first step in social media page management is creating a special calendar, not to mark your friends’ birthdays and festivals, but to schedule the arrival of each post on the media pad.

Then comes the execution part. We coordinate all activities and manage your social accounts on time. Why because we have a magical clock! The posts are then put into observation. All activities are monitored and we shall make you yield the best results.


# building_my_home_with_moon’s_soil, #broomstick_vs_drumstick, #partnering_with_Alien, and #Avengers_inside_BigBoss- Do they sound crazy? Well, the internet and social media are flourishing with innovative social media posts designs and social media marketing strategies. But we need to be unique to catch the eyes of all human creatures. The living organism should get rid of its hesitation and click our post or social media ad. Although it’s not a Herculean task, much of our concentration should be invested in creativity and innovation. Social media marketing in India will depend on a brilliant team’s work on curating eye-catchy content, presenting it in a lively manner, and attracting many audiences. Hola! Introducing the brilliant team- Addictive Media!


Brand becomes talk of the town.

Why is creativity important?

  • a. Captivating and engaging audience
  • b. Spreading the brand name
  • c. Creating an impact/revolution in social media
  • d. Studying user behavior
  • e. Brief content in ads to intrigue viewers
  • f. Stand out in the competition with unique ads and posts
  • g. Building brand awareness

These are possible only with unique content because you need to excel in the field where there are tons of other players. What makes you different is what defines your potential. So here we are, the social media marketing agency in India. We can create strategies that are creative not only to the child using crayons, but also to slightly older children using Macbooks.

The creativity injection we give can remove all impurities- uncool content, unnecessary posts, not-so-unique approaches, from the marketing body. Our design agency can brainstorm about a needle and come up with thousands of campaign ideas. Easy like Noodles. But sorry- Long, Non sticky ideas are sent to trash. Overall optimization of the marketing methods is a pakka guarantee! Incorporating creativity in everything we do, will make us stand out from the rest of the troop. We possess the power of Thor!

How creative are we?

Have you ever found unskippable ads on Youtube irritating? This is because viewers are exhausted with the same old food trucks delivering food. So we need to present content in different forms that are appealing to the viewers. This should result in users forgetting to skip the ad. That’s exactly what we do. A website designing company in India is also the most sought after social media marketing company in India. A design agency has a set of job responsibilities and managing social media paid ads is the numero uno.

social media marketing company in India can do more than social media posts design. This is clearly apparent from the case studies we have. Companies have already benefited on a mass scale using our strategies and it’s high time, you should chat with us. The website of the website designing company in India proves to be the greatest testimony of our creativity. We can mix turpentine and mango juice to produce the Elixir. Don’t believe it? Take a look at the clients that trust us.

  • 1. Social media space is used as a distribution tool by the business. But a proper strategy will convert the tool into personally engaging with customer’ tool.
  • 2. We should not dump the social media prince/princess with normal stuff. Rather, we need to produce some extraordinary content to achieve the business goals.
  • 3. Ultimately, it is not you or we, it is the creativity that is going to win.
  • 4. A design agency will tend to optimize the strategies because that’s the face of your business.

How creative are we?

When your business wants a creative strategy, follow some of the creativity rules.

  • a. Avoid plagiarism [in the content]
  • b. Utilize visually attractive mediums
  • c. Play with words
  • d. Add videos
  • e. Capture the market trends
  • f. Include podcasts

If these rules are really tough to follow, and you don’t feel like doing, just erase the above and follow only one rule.
Contact the best website designing company in India. Because that’s why we are here with lights turned on. Ssshhh… Spotlights coming soon…..

As soon as you contact the social media design company, you will be entering the marketing kingdom, where you are the crowned prince. All strategies and methods will be planned and executed according to your wish.
Happy? Do you know?

About 97% of the marketers use social media as part of their strategy. This statistic is not at all amazing for us. Because we never compete with the 97%. The main reason is creativity. When you religiously adopt creative ideas, you are not compared with anyone. This means: you are the only one. The powerful one. Businesses today are largely dependent on advertising. They constantly seek a platform to attract new audiences. In the survival phase, as Darwin put forth, Survival of the fittest, you need to be the fittest of all. That fitness can be gained by jogging, planks, stretches, and yoga, and some creativity also.

You don’t have to search for creativity on the planet. It is scattered all around even in the air. Again, you don’t need to search them, just give us- the best social media marketing agency in India– a ring. We shall pick it in a second.

What is influencer Marketing

Traditional marketing + Modern marketing = Influencer marketing. The term has been a buzzword for a while. This type of marketing strategy involves collaborating with influencers for endorsing the products/services. This does not mean, we should always work with celebrities. There is a great degree of distinction between online influencers and celebrities. The main goal of this type of strategy is ‘improving brand recognition.’ However, the benefits do not stop here.

For example, when a Youtuber collaborates with a brand selling cosmetics, he/she can use the cosmetics in his video or make a DIY wedding makeup tutorial video based on the brand’s products. This results in a two way benefit- The Youtuber gets maximum views, the brand gets maximum recognition. So it’s a win-win for both.

Influencers that you search can be anywhere. You need to understand their background before proceeding to team up with them. But you don’t have to worry about that. We, the top social media company in India, can analyse and find the right influencer for you. We can negotiate with the party and bring in the best results possible. Influencer marketing has gained more popularity now. Youtube is considered one of the best social media platforms for the same. Do you have an account there?

Organization, planning, and collaborating are the three essential steps in this type of marketing. We do that devotionally and excellently! Don’t believe it? Check out the best case studies of the extraordinary social media marketing in India by the coolest social media marketing company in India.


Your brand is the new celebrity

How do you benefit from Influencer Marketing?

Remember that influencer marketing is not the traditional commercials we see on television networks. We don’t simply give them money to state some nice things about us. The influencers should be popular and trustworthy. At the same time, the mere status of popularity does not grant desirable results. The person should understand our brand and work in a manner that will reach the customers. Influencer marketing can make or break your goal. So we need to be 200x careful before stepping in.

Most useful benefit that the brand can derive from Influencer marketing is the early engagement and access to followers. This gifts you a platform for finding the audience. A recent statistic reveals that more than 80% of the marketers found Influencer marketing effective. Influencer marketing can get a bit dear but it’s all worth it. Many gaming companies and online money earning platforms adopt influencer marketing to reach new customers. This is because they understand the user behavior. When a user enters an entertaining Youtube video, he needs recreation. This need can be diverted into the gaming ad because both serve the same purpose. Understanding the platform and the user behavior is as vital as salt is to food.

With that being said, Influencer marketing is no Greek or Latin. We can assure you the right performance to enable your business to reap the benefits of Influencer marketing. Social media marketing in India reached milestones in promoting content related and people driven marketing strategies. People become popular and influential when they come up with something unique.

So the country is not deprived of influencers. You can always find the right one for your business promotion. Since the influencers work on social media platforms and the Internet, the technique is quite cheaper than traditional celebrity endorsement in the TV.
So ping us once you are ready to do this kind of marketing for your business!